Konkrete Kunst
Nationen Vier Räume
On December 11 1993 the Artist's Museum was opened in Erfurt, Germany. Already in 1990 - after communism fell and the Germanies were reunited - the first steps were taken. Heidi Bierwisch and other representatives of the cultural department of Erfurt traveled throughout Europe in search of contacts to realize an exhibition of art in the landscape in the hills surrounding Erfurt - Fahner Höhen. When they visited The Museum of Modern Art in Hünfeld they met its founder Gerhard Jürgen Blum-Kwiatkowski. The exhibition was realized, but at the same time, during the many meetings, the idea was developed to found Forum Konkrete Kunst.
Rational, reductive and constructive artists were to present their work which would remain their property. The first - more than one hundred - artists are in fact the curators of the museum.
The Romanesque Peterskirche was a challenging location. The spirituality, which can be found in pure geometry, unites the Romanesque structure of the building and the analitic approach which is the foundation of concrete art. A wooden structure was added by Napoleon who used the building to house his troups. Floors supported by wooden posts divide the interior into sub-spaces.The colection of concrete art is presented on the ground floor between alternating stone and wooden columns. This mixture of materials creates an atmosphere which gives the space the flavor of a workshop/studio.
On the upper floor the cultural department of Erfurt organizes exhibitions which complement the more permanent collection. The last exhibition in the year 2000 is Vier Nationen Vier Räume.
More information will follow on these pages in the course of 2000.
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